~ Hafa Adai ~
Visit the original Guam Poets Club Anthology at https://www.geocities.ws/guampoetsonline/
We hope that you will be inspired and enjoy your visit here on our special online anthology! Here you'll find poetry of various topics that stir the minds and touches the souls of poets from the beautiful Pacific island of Guam and across the globe! It is our mission to showcase literature talents in the beautiful interwoven lines of poetry. The poems do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Guam Poets Club. Any reproduction of any of the poems is prohibited by law. However, poems used for nonprofit educational purposes are permissible. If you wish to share an inspirational poem or two, send an e-mail with the words "poem submission" in the subject area, along with your name/pen name, poem, village, and inspirational message (required) to the Web Master at mnrivera1@yahoo.com. Please note that poems will be reviewed for appropriateness, so please ensure that they can be viewed by all audiences.

Friday, July 9, 2010


If I'd wander my way back to Guam
I'd sit and listen to those Island Palms
They'd say here begins America's day

I can see the lovely sunset at Tumon Bay
The ocean waves breaking over the reefs
There on the beach I think of my beliefs
Oh, beautiful Island of the Virgin Mary
Her footstep on the ocean I can carry

I honor the patriotic people living there
They'll always be a part of me as I share
I'll tell you of their struggle for freedom
In the Great War they'd find their wisdom

I felt the warm tropical air on my face
My view from a ridge of this mystic place
The rolling hills look so gentle and calm
Thinking is my way to go back to Guam.
©Rick Sadler